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What is a payload in Metasploit?

The code for an exploit.A payload open a port on the victim machine, give a meterpreter.A payload is a piece of code to be executed through said exploit. Have a look at the Metasploit Framework. It is simply a collection of exploits and payloads. Each exploit can be attached with various payloads like reverse or bind shells, the meterpreter shell etc.

An payload is a script, code, or module that is used to execute an attack against a vulnerability. The payload is literally the exploit used against a TOE. The IT or cyber use of the term payload comes from the military definition of a payload like a bomb or missile that is used against a physical target. Hackers over time began to call malware or scripts "payloads" that they would use against their targets in the same way that military pilots used missiles against their physical targets. A payload is THE exploit that is used like a missile against a cyber target. A payload is not what happens after a target has been exploited.

How to create Payload for window/Android/Linux And Mac in Kali linux.

Step 1: Open given link and copy git link.


Step 2: open terminal and type this..

cd Desktop
git clone https://github.com/rand0m1ze/ezsploit.git

Step 3:

cd ezsploit
chmod +x ezsploit.sh

Step 4: Run this script


Step 5: Press Enter

Step 6: press 1 (to create payload).

Step 7: 

Note:- In this tutorial i am creating payload for android so i press 4. If you want to create payload for window then press 1, linux for 2 and mac for 3.

Step 8: Enter your IP address by typing ( ifconfig in new terminal)

Note: I am using wifi thats why ip adress is You should write your own ip adress.if you are using ngrok then you should write that ngrok ip address..

Step 9 : Enter Lport 4444

Step 10: Press enter (wait for process to complete.)

After completing process you will get payload (shell.apk). you will get payload path also.

Now you can send this to victim..

Note:- This tutorials is for educational purpose only.

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